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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Smoked reduced Intelligence Merokok Kurangi Kecerdasan
Para perokok, khususnya mereka yang masih dalam pertengahan usia dewasa, cenderung memiliki kelemahan dalam hal ingatan dan nalar berpikir (kecerdasan) dari pada mereka yang tidak merokok. Ini merupakan alasan lain mengapa kita tidak harus merokok.

Para peneliti Prancis menyebutkan, data yang dikumpulkan dari 5.000 warga Inggris, ditemukan bahwa mereka yang merokok lebih rendah tingkat ingatan, bernalar, kosakata, dan juga kecakapan verbalnya, daripada mereka yang tidak merokok.

Penelitian itu juga menemukan bahwa merokok sangat berhubungan dengan penurunan mental pada usia muda, seperti halnya juga mempengaruhi kerapuhan fisiknya di kemudian hari.

Penelitian yang dilaporkan pada Senin (9/6) kemarin menyimpulkan bahwa kebiasaan merokok yang dilakukan pada usia muda sangat berhubungan dengan penurunan tingkat memori dan kemampuan bernalar. read more

The pure water
formed the body that ideal Everyone definitely want the ideal body, including also you yourself. Not only the female dream that wanted the slender body often was male that also really want his body was slender in order to be released from obesity or obesity.
Many of the methods for you get the ideal body, with the inexpensive price, the Diet with the pure water was one of them, really made people reduced food like junk food in the body,
That because with two pure water glasses, made us full first, and made ate not too many, the Benefit of water, so big for the body. Apart from to maintain the freshness of the body, helped launched the digestion, cured various illness sorts and issued poison in the body. Moreover the pure water could also help reduced the weight. the pure water was the important element in the process of metabolism (the burning calorie) in the body by changing food into energy.
"Water also played a role in pushing the reaction" of "metabolism chemistry." So, if not drinking enough water, then could be ascertained the body will not burn calorie well, Apart From carrying out the water diet with used the pure water of two glasses before eating, better so that you who followed the diet as this consulted with the doctor or the nutritionist.
His article, the period that was needed by anyone to get maximal results of differing. It is hoped you continue to numbered united the pure water.


Definitely you have heard the term of the diabetes illness, the diabetes common also was named with sweet urine by being marked by the increase in the level of blood sugar, usually illnes this diabetes in headed with the sign
The sign of diabetes was
  • polyuria (urination that often)
  • polydipsia (the thirst was increased and liquid input as resulting from that was increased)
  • polyphagia (appetite that was increased) If the level of blood sugar until above 160-180 mg/dL, then glucose will arrive at water kemih,jika the level of him was again higher,the kidney will throw additional water away to dilute a large amount of glucose that was lost.
Because the kidney produced the urine in the excessive number, then the sufferer often urinated in the number that many (poliuri) . reaad more about diabetes

To unload the level of blood sugar had 8 crop sorts that could be found by you in and around you,
1. Gymnema Sylvestre

Fungsi main: unloaded blood sugar the dose of the public: 200 - 250milligram of day
The Hindi name these plants meant the 'destroyer' of 'sugar', and the crop this was said had the capacity to reduce the capacity to detect the sweet feeling. This crop it was considered as the crop was strongest to control blood sugar. The big possibility, his procedure was by increasing the activity of the enzyme that helped the body cell to use glucose or stimulatingly the production of insulin. Although not yet having the intensive research, but was not yet found by the existence of the serious side-effect for the use of this crop.

2. Pare
the main function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 50 - 100 millilitre (3-6 human resources) juice of day
Pare that was bitter this it was considered could help the cell to use glucose in an effective manner and stifled the absorption of sugar in the intestines. The researchers in the Philippines that researched consumption pare to the man and the woman in the form of the capsule while 3 months found the existence of the decline in blood sugar, although a little, but constant. The problem that emerged was the problem of the digestion.
3. magnesium

the main Function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 250 - 350 milligram of day
The lack of rare magnesium was not experienced as one of the causes of diabetes, even this sign aggravated the condition for blood sugar and insulin resistance. Several researches showed that the supplement to magnesium could improve the function of insulin and unloaded blood sugar. Please consultati with your doctor before consuming insulin.

4. Prickly Pear

Cactus Fungsi main: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: if being consumed as food, 150 gram bowl the cactus of day. Ripe from this cactus could unload the level of blood sugar in the body. The form that could be experienced was in the form of, or juice, or the powder. The researchers found that this unloaded the level of blood sugar because of the existence of the component that resembled insulin. This was also high the level of his fibre.

5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid

the main Function: Reduce was sick saraf the Dose of the public: 270 - 540 milligrams very much of day It was sour that Linoleat Gamma, or GLA was the fatty acid that was found in flower oil evening primrose. Several researches showed that the diabetes sufferer was the person who had the GLA level low in blood, and the research showed that this supplement could lower, in fact prevented was sick on nerves that emerged resulting from diabetes

6. ginseng

the main Function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 1-3 gram of day in the form of the capsule or the tablet, 3-5 millilitre in the form of tincture 3 x a day.
Known because of his capacity that pushed the system of body immunity, this ginseng had several positive results concerning diabetes. The researchers found that ginseng slowed down the absorption of the carbohydrate, increased the cell capacity in absorbing glucose, and increasing the release of insulin from the pancreas. Found also in Toronto in a research, that ginseng could unload the level of sugar until 15-20 percent.

7. Bilberry

the main Function: protected the eyes and syaraf the Dose of the public: 80-120 milligram the standard billberry extract of day. Relatives blueberry this had antioksidan strong in and his leaves. Antioksidan that was named antosianidin this, helped prevented small blood cells damage that could damage nerves and the eyes retina. The research into the animal showed the existence of the decline in blood sugar also resulting from consumption

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pretty and healthy skin
was the desired every time a woman , most important was us treated what was owned by us be as good usually the maintenance off that his name cosmetic ,so to beautify our body on the whole, beginning with hair, the eyes, the lip, skin down to the nail. The aim of these efforts to be the achievement of the form of the proportion of the colour and ideal refinement of body parts. To achieve this aim, then bermuncullah cosmetic products. If you that want to very instant usually used cosmetics racikan the factory. Nah, against this one, you must be careful. Because of using cosmetics that contained chemical preservatives could cause the problem, like the allergy or poisoning. If you wanted to search safe, better used natural cosmetics, lagian, more was guaranteed kehalal him because not was mixt with the animal material that from the pig or alcohol.
I am inhere tried giving examples of cosmetics that alamiyang his material was easy to be obtained by us from around us.

Masker the avocado really was suitable for consumption of normal and dry skin. The level of his fat that was high could moisten skin and protected skin from the influence of the sun rays.

Carrot famous just like vitamins A. Vitamin a was needed for the maintenance of the network epitel (the available network in the surface of skin). To these vegetables also was gotten karoten that had a function of maintaining skin humidity, slowing down the contraction emergence to the face and making the face of appearance always shining.

The usefulness of Mentimun was to refine and weaken skin, helped closed pores and dismissed the waste from skin. Therefore the pimple emergence could be prevented.

The usefulness returned the balance for oily skin, so as the face was always fresh and natural.

White the Egg
Beneficial narrowed the available hole of pores on face skin.

to read more klik here
I hope tips that can given by me this could be useful for you all.
Possibly we were still remembering adolescence previously when the pimple began to be springing on the face, the person every that part of the puberty period. But now during the age already some twenty, the pimple is still emerging. If only one two, possibly we were still calm, but if the pimple emerged continually, measuring big and was accompanied by the feeling of being sick and itchy, not only energy that was drained but also the feeling of the self-confidence could be lost. It is hoped the explanation along with this could help you more understood the pimple and his prevention method.

The cause acne the pimple could emerge resulting from natural oil that was produced skin closed pores. This oil was acknowledged as sebum that was produced by the gland sebaceous. In fact sebum was needed by skin to maintain humidity and the pliancy. The gland sebaceous usually was gotten in the layer of skin, the neck and the chest of the face part; was the area that often was overgrown by the pimple. The problem with the pimple emerged when the bacteria on skin was trapped in the pocket of oil and continued pile. The production of excessive sebum also triggered the growth of the pimple. The gland sebaceous that was too active produces oil usually happened in the puberty period, but could also because of the change in the hormone.

Generally the cause epistaksis was biselected that is:
1. Lokal
2. Sistemik
The local cause especially the trauma, often because of the traffic accident, sport, (like because of the blow in the nose) that was accompanied by the nose fracture (like to the picture in this page) , the too hard nose so as the wound to the nose mucosa, the existence of the tumour on the nose, there was the foreign object (something that entered the nose) usually to children, or the leech who entered the nose, and the infection or the inflammation of the nose and the sinuses (rhinitis and sinusitis) The systemic cause meaning that the illness that only was not limited to the nose, that often caused the nosebleed was hypertension, the systemic infection like the illness of dengue fever dengue fever or cikunguya, the blood deviation like hemofili, autoimun trombositipenic purpura.

The maintenance

The blood circulation will stop after blood succeeded being frozen in the process of blood clotting. A medical opinion said that when the bleeding happened, better if the position of the head was tilted in the future (the position sat) to channel blood and prevented him entering to kerongkongan and the side. First help if the nosebleed happening was by pressing the front nose for three minutes. During pemencetan better breathe through the mouth. The minor bleeding usually stops by this means. Do the same thing if the occurring bleeding happening, if not stopping better visit the doctor for help. For the chronic nose bleeding that was caused dry him the nose mucosa, usually is prevented with sprayed copied to the nose through to three times a day. If being caused by the pressure, could be used the ice compress to mengecilkan blood vessels (vasokonstriksi). If still was not successful, could be used the nose tampon. The nose tampon could stop the bleeding and this media was installed 1-3 days. The death resulting from the nose bleeding was something that was rare. However, if being caused by damage to the artery maksillaris

The chickenpox

Small pox possibly for you hard water was not foreign again,the first him patient felt his body did not make sense was accompanied by the fever, resembled influenza. In this stage, this illness could be spread by the sufferer when he sneezed or the cough. Not long afterwards emerged The spot contained water of the corn seed contained the liquid was begun from the front, continued to arms and the leg and finally all through the body. This liquid afterwards became pus, because of being infected by other germs. When the patient recovering, then spot contained water this dried up, left scabs and chips of skin were full of the smallpox virus, that when being inhaled by the other person, was the other method in the spread of small pox. According to literature, the death rate resulting from the smallpox around 20-30%. To that had never seen the smallpox sufferer, this the picture of the face and his hands. Must be that shouted level - level anyone must experience this illness, there were those who are affected when he was still small there also are those that has been mature just was affected by this illness, it was hoped the spot contained water contained not in broke personall.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Root humankind

A man who was named Dede the Indonesian resident contracted the skin illness that resembled the root in the part body his article this illness like the wart that resembled the root, increasingly crept this root increasingly caused difficulties for him to carry out many activities. The news of Dede's situation stirred up the world, a American expert of the skin illness, Dr Anthony Gaspari from the Maryland University was prepared to visit the man who lived in this South Jakarta area. According to Dr. gaspari, the illness that was contracted by Dede was caused by a virus that is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) ,Dr Anthony Gaspari intended to carry out the maintenance that possibly can change his life. It is hoped he fast experienced the change from his situation at this time. Read Continue ....


Varises was marked by the widening of blood vessels returned (vena) that often appeared winding and as being plaited in the subcutaneous network. Varises could happen in vena-vena in the area of the side, the leg and in several other body organs. The article this time will discuss about varises in vena the further low leg will be written varises, the problem and his handling.

Medically, varises it was considered was not too important and rare needed the handling. This was caused because varises happened in almost a third of the adult and just a few that caused the serious problem. But, in a manner these situation cosmetics were annoying enough and could reduce the feeling of the self-confidence. Moreover several surveys proved that beauty foot was some that became attention of the opponent of the kind. The incident varises tended to increase seriring the age and at the time of pregnancy. Several sources named the possibility of the existence of the role of the descendants’s factor or the family.

To most people also often was found telangiectasis, that is vena small was blue darkness like vena that broke out or the small profit. This situation not be the same as varises despite often happened along with varises. This only Restless in a manner cosmetics and did not result in the disturbance medically.

In the more difficult situation, varises could be marked by the swelling the low leg. The inflammation vena (phlebitis) that passed knees could cause the obstruction vena that his location inside (deep vein thrombosis) and could cause the serious complication. To treat the inflammation was not recommended to use antibiotik, because of his cause not the germs infection. Medical treatment is usually limited in the use anti the inflammation and the feeling remover of pain. In the difficult case the sign could be accompanied by the bleeding, the change in skin and ulkus or the wound resulting from the pressure vena that was high. His medical treatment could take the form of the operation conventionally, used the laser and sclerotherapy. The last method usually more effective to varises that was smaller. Sclerotherapy is usually done through the injecting sclerosant to the area vena to reduce varises was accompanied with the emphasis, dressing or the use of tight clothes. Several researches showed kekambuhan varises that often happened after five medical treatment years with this method.

Knew your work kind, involved the activity by standing that for a long time has been the quite effective prevention. Tips the health generally that could becare the occurrence varises and grew heavy him varises available was by maintaining the ideal weight, sport that was arranged, avoided constipation (make accustomed defecated each morning and was arranged consumed vegetables and the fruit), and dodge used shoes with the high right. The prevention varises in foot To prevent the occurrence varises, did matters as follows:

1. After going far, the rest, lay down with the position Lay and foot placed rather high from the body.

2. In first pregnancy, if you experienced kram to the calf, don’t foot was pulled at by you, because of resulting in the vein weakening, and the big possibility in your second pregnancy will experience varises. Moved and massaged the part that kram slowly until again normal. God willing you will be avoided from varises that not delicious was gazed at.