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Sunday, August 17, 2008

PTC (Paid TO Click) atau di bayar hanya untuk ngklik iklan....
pasti dah sering denger kan jangan takut kalo ini boongan .......
ini PTC INDONESIA jadi sistim pembayarannya lewat bank INdonesia .... dapetnya juga pake duit Indonesia per klik Rp.100 ayo donk ikutan sambil chating sambil ngeklik dapet duit hehehehhe....


Monday, August 11, 2008



Sunday, August 10, 2008



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Peristiwa itu bermula ketika Wahyu rekreasi bersama keluarganya di Kebun Binatang Surabaya. Ketika akan difoto dekat kandang harimau, jarak korban terlalu dekat. Binatang tersebut langsung menyerang mulut dan kepalanya. Wahyu langsung dibawa ke Rumah Sakit William Both, Surabaya. Kondisi bocah itu masih belum pulih setelah menjalani operasi pada mulut serta kepalanya.

Keluarga korban menolak memberikan keterangan. Sejauh ini pihak Kebun Binatang Surabaya juga belum memberikan penjelasan resmi soal peristiwa harimau yang melukai Wahyu

Sekitar 526 Warga Sampang Menderita Kusta
Penderita penyakit kusta di kabupaten Sampang, Madura, Jawa Timur terus meningkat. Sedikitnya sebanyak 526 warga yang tersebar di 14 kecamatan di wilayah kabupaten Sampang dinyatakan positif menderita penyakit kusta.
Menurut humas Dinas kesehatan kabupaten Sampang Sisyanto, Sabtu, jumlah itu lebih tinggi dibanding tahun 2000 lalu. Sebab saat ini warga yang positif menderita penyakit kusta hanya 128.
"Angka ini kita peroleh setelah dinas kesehatan kabupaten Sampang aktif melakukan penelitian ke desa-desa. Dan pada umumnya, mereka enggan melaporkan ke dinas kesehatan ataupun Puskesman setempat dengan alasan itu penyakit yang memalukan" katanya.
Sisyanto mengaku, meski setiap tahun penderita kusta di kabupaten Sampang terus meningkat, tapi anggaran untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut masih minim.
"Kami sudah mengajukan penambahan anggaran, tapi sejauh ini belum ada tambahan juga"Dari 526 orang yang dinyatakan positif itu, 15 di antaranya terpaksa dirujuk ke rumah sakit kusta di Mojokerto karena penyakitnya sudah akut. link

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beruang Tersangkut Di Dalam Toples

Beruang yang tersangkut toples
Beruang yang tersangkut toples
Para petugas kehutanan Amerika yang mencoba menangkap seekor beruang yang kepalanya masuk dan tersangkut ke dalam toples plastik terpaksa menembak binatang itu karena melarikan diri ke sebuah kota yang ramai di Minnesota.
Beruang jantan yang berusia sekitar dua tahun itu ditembak mati setelah polisi gagal menangkapnya hidup-hidup selama enam hari.
"Ketika beruang itu mencapai kota, kekhawatiran utama kami adalah keselamatan publik," kata Rob Naplin, seorang petugas pengawas satwa liar setempat.
Beruang hitam liar itu bisa bernafas di dalam toples, namun dia tidak bisa makan atau minum. Binatang tersebut diperkirakan lapar dan mengalami dehidrasi.
'Kondisi sulit'
"Dengan banyaknya orang di sekitar binatang itu.. kita tidak bisa yakin apa yang akan terjadi," tambah Naplin kepada surat kabar Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Naplin mengatakan, upaya telah dilakukan untuk menangkap beruang itu hidup-hidup dan membebaskannya dari toples plastik itu.
Namun beruang tersebut memasuki daerah di sekitar kota Lake George, tempat binatang itu pertama kali terlihat tanggal 21 Juli.
Upaya untuk memberinya obat tidur gagal karena beruang itu "sempat bersembunyi di daerah hutan", tambahnya.
Naplin mengatakan, beruang itu berada "dalam kondisi cukup sulit" karena dia tidak bisa makan dan minum selama beberapa hari karena kepalanya masuk ke dalam sebuah toples besar dari plastik.
Dia mengatakan, toples itu tampaknya adalah jenis toples yang digunakan untuk menyimpan permen atau popcorn dan kepala beruang diduga tersangkut didalamnya ketika dia sedang mencari makanan di dalamnya. (bbc/ly) link

Spesies Ular Terkecil di Dunia Ditemukan

Ular terkecil di dunia
Ular terkecil di dunia
Pakar biologi evolusi dari Pennsylvania State University Amerika Serikat, S. Blair Hedges, menemukan spesies tersebut di Barbados, pulau paling timur di Kepulauan Karibia. Ular terkecil di dunia tak lebih besar dari cacing tanah. Panjang tubuhnya saat dewasa tak lebih dari 10 cm.
Penemuan tersebut dipublikasikan di jurnal Zootaxa, Senin, 4/8-2008, sebagai spesies baru dengan nama Leptotyphlops carlae yang diambil dari nama herpetolog Carla Ann Hasstulan istri Hedges.
Perilaku dan kehidupan ekologinya masih belum banyak diketahui. Namun, Hedges telah memastikan secara fisiologi maupun genetika berbeda dengan 3.100 jenis ular yang telah ditemukan di seluruh dunia.
Ular berwarna coklat itu memangsa serangga dan rayap dan termasuk ular yang tidak beracun. Hedges menemukannya di balik bebatuan dekat kawasan berhutan. Ular tersebut tergolong kelompok ular cacing yang biasa ditemukan di wilayah tropis. Ia mungkin jenis yang langka dan terancam punah.
"Spesies baru dan eksotis masih ditemukan di Kepulauan Karibia meskipun hutan tropis yang tersisa sangat sempit," ujar Hedges.
Penemuan satwa-satwa terkecil di Barbados menambah kekayaan hayati kawasan kepualaun di Amerika Tengah tersebut.
Para ilmuwan banyak menemukan hewan-hewan yang berukuran kecil sebelumnya. Selain ular terkecil di dunia, di wilayah Kuba juga dapat ditemui burung kolibri madu yang merupakan burung terkecil di dunia. Ular terkecil kedua juga ditemukan di Martinique.
Tim Hedges sebelumnya juga menemukan katak terkecil di dunia di Kuba serta cicak terkecil di dunia di Republik Dominika.
"Ular tersebut mungkin mengalami seleksi alam sehingga hanya yang kecil yang bertahan," ujar Hedges.
Jenis ular tersebut biasanya hanya menghasilkan satu keturunan sepanjang hidupnya atau menghasilkan satu butir telur setiap bereproduksi.
Namun, bayi ular tergolong besar dengan ukuran setengah dari panjang ular dewasa. Sebagai perbandingan, bayi ular terbesar di dunia memiliki hanyapanjang sepersepuluh ular dewasa. Misalny,a anak king kobra yang hanya sepanjang 36 cm meskipun ular dewasa dapat tumbuh hingga 5,5 meter.
"Fakta bahwa ular tersebut menghasilkan satu telur raksasa, relatif terhadap ukuran induknya, menunjukkan bahwa seleksi alam mencoba menjaga ukuran keturunan di atas batas kritis untuk bertahan hidup," jelas Hedges. (ap/ly)

Aneh........Jasadnya Ingin Dijadikan Umpan Ikan !

Entah apa yang tersirat di dalam benak fikiran Peter Hodge (61), warga negara Inggris. Sebelum kematian datang menjemput dia berpesan ingin menjadi umpan ikan-ikan di sungai. Pesan itu disampaikan kepada Caroline, istrinya dan putrinya, Sally, agar jasadnya di hancurkan seperti abu lalu di jadikan umpan ikan di sungai.

Memang pesan yang aneh, tapi inilah yang disampaikan mendiang Peter. Sejak usianya 20 tahun dia sudah tergila-gila dengan memancing. Hampir setiap waktu dia menghabiskan waktu untuk memancing di sungai dekat rumahnya. Sekitar 40 tahun dia melewati masa indahnya bersama ikan-ikan di sungai dekat rumahnya. Seperti yang di ungkapkan oleh Caroline “ Peter pernah berpesan, mungkin ini kedengarannya aneh. Jika aku meninggal aku ingin berenang bersama ikan-ikan, dan menjadi makanan bagi mereka”. Oleh sebab itu jasadnya dihancurkan, selanjutnya diberikan bahan campuran lainnya sampai menjadi makanan ikan.

Pesan terakhir itu benar-benar diwujudkan oleh istri dan anaknya. Setelah semuanya selesai Caroline dan Sally adalah orang pertama yang melemparkan umpan itu ke dalam sungai Huntspill. Saat proses pemberian umpan itu banyak teman dan kerabat yang datang untuk menyaksikan. link

Man Almost Loses Penis Humping Steel Bench

Last night in Hong Kong, the police received a disturbing call from a man in trouble.

Xing, a 41 year-old man, was calling from LanTian park in the middle of the night. The lonely and disturbed man had apparently thought it would be fun to have sex with one of the steel sit-up benches around the park.

The bench has numerous small holes in it, which Xing used to attempt to satisfy himself. However, once he became aroused he found that he was stuck and could not get his penis out of the small hole.

He panicked and called the police to help him.

hk-man-penis02 Man Almost Loses Penis Humping Steel Bench picture

When police arrive they found Xian stuck face down where he had been stuck for some time.

When doctors arrived on the scene they tried to release some of the pressure by removing some of his blood, but the penis was so swollen that they ended up having to cut the entire bench free and take it, with Xian attached, to the hospital.

hk-man-penis03 Man Almost Loses Penis Humping Steel Bench picture

4 painful hours later, Doctors finally separated Xian from his bench.

Doctors stated that if he had been stuck for even an hour longer, they would have had to remove his penis. link

Xing (41 tahun) seorang pria asal hongkong terpaksa harus menelepon polisi untuk mengevakuasi dirinya setelah idenya untuk bercinta dengan sebuah bangku di kebun binatang menyebabkan penisnya nyangkut! Emang gila nih orang


THe Uniquee Restaurant in JAPAN , AMAZING

Tampil Bugil, Gelar Ratu Sejagat Mendoza Dicopot?

LOS ANGELES, JUMAT --Mahkota ratu sejagad, yang tahun ini jatuh ke tangan Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza kabarnya akan dicopot, menyusul beredar foto bugilnya untuk iklan sebuah produk perhiasan.
Baru-baru ini, foto topless gadis berusia 22 tahun yang mampu menguasai tiga bahasa asing --Inggris, Spanyol, dan Italia-- itu, beredar di jaringan internet. Inilah yang kemudian menyulut pro dan kontra sejumlah pihak yang menuding perempuan asal Venezuela itu, tak pantas menyandang gelar itu.
Belum ada pernyatan resmi yang disampaikan Mendoza terkait foto-fotonya tersebut. Namun Presiden Organisasi Penyelenggara Miss Universe, Paula M. Shugart menyatakan pembelaannya terhadap Mendoza.
Menurutnya, tak masalah dengan foto-foto tersebut. Toh, tak sedikit pun unsur pornografi termuat di dalamnya. "Dayana tak akan kehilangan gelarnya. Kami mendukung dan menghormati kesuksesannya sebagai model dan penampilannya di foto itu sangat artistik," jelasnya. link
Wow..Upacara Nikah di Atas Pesawat

INGGRIS - Pasangan pengantin yang satu ini benar-benar beda. Bayangkan, pasangan pemberani ini melaksanakan upacara pernikahannya di atas sayap pesawat jenis Cesna ini.
Seperti ditulis Daily Telegraph dan dikutip Ananova, Kamis (7/8/2008), pasangan itu melaksanakan acara suci itu di ketinggian 1.000 kaki.
Darren McWalters dan Katie Hodgson adalah pasangan kekasih yang melakukan aksi pernikahan nekat di atas sayap pesawat itu. Dua pengantin ini menggunakan pesawat yang berlainan.
Sementara itu Pendeta George Bringham terbang di depan kedua pesawat mereka dengan menggunakan pesawat ketiga dan menikahkan mereka dengan menggunakan alat komunikasi sebagai perantara pengucapan sumpah dan janji setia.
Acara pernikahan unik ini sebenarnya sempat dua kali ditunda akibat cuaca buruk di wilayah Lapangan Terbang Rendcomb dekat Cirencester, Gloucestershire, tempat dilangsungkannya prosesi pernikahan nekat itu.
McWalters adalah seorang intsruktur fitnes di Inggris. Dia mengatakan tidak mempercayai bisa melakukan pernikahan dengan cara seperti ini.
"Ini tidak dapat dipercaya. Melihat ke bawah dan menyaksikan keluarga dan teman seperti berada dalam sebuah keajaiban. Lidah saya terasa kaku untuk berkata-kata," ujar McWalters bahagia.
Sementara itu istrinya mengatakan, dirinya ketika kecil tidak pernah membayangkan dia akan menikah di atas sayap sebuah pesawat. "Namun, ketika saya dewasa saya menjadi lebih berjiwa petualang. Karena itu saya bawa jiwa itu kepada suami," ceritanya dengan nada bahagia.
Peristiwa ini juga menjadi pengalaman pertama bagi pastor Bringham. "Ini menjadi upacara menikahkan yang pertamakalinya yang pernah saya lakukan," paparnya.
Pasangan itu kemudian menukarkan cincin pernikahannya di hanggar yang memang diseting menjadi tempat resepsi pernikahan mereka. link

Atap SDN 12 Pagi dan 17 Siang Klender Roboh

Atap kelas yang rubuh di Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 12 Pagi/17 siang, Jalan Pertanian Utara No.38, Klender, Jakarta Timur, Jumat (8/8/2008) mulai dibersihkan dan para siswa diliburkan sementara. Rencananya mulai Senin 11 Agustus para siswa SDN 12/17 tersebut akan belajar sementara di SDN 06/07 Klender. Semoga saja cepat selesai pengerjaannya agar mereka cepat kembali belajar seperti biasa link
Pesona Kain Nusantara Tak Pernah Padam

KAIN Nusantara tak ada habisnya untuk dieksplorasi. Rumah Pesona Kain adalah salah satu kelompok yang terus fokus menjaga kelestarian kain khas Nusantara.
Beberapa ajang peragaan busana kain Nusantara telah digelar. Belum lama ini, Rumah Pesona Kain telah menghimpun dan menggandeng empat desainer, yaitu Ghea Panggabean, Arie Saputra, Oscar Lawalata, dan Barli. Tangan dingin para desainer tersebut menghasilkan rancangan yang spektakuler.
Deretan busana yang memukau, indah, cantik, dan modern berhasil memikat hati para pengunjung. Ghea Panggabean menampilkan baju bodo dan baju kurung yang dipadukan dengan songket Palembang. Arie Saputra lain lagi. Ia bermain dengan aneka ragam kebaya yang dipadukan dengan kain tenun, batik sutra, songket Bali, batik antik hingga songket Palembang.
Sementara itu Oscar Lawalata menampilkan busana model kimono yang terbuat dari kain songket Lampung. Sepintas keseluruhan koleksi desainer berdarah Jawa-Manado-Ambon ini seperti menggunakan material berbahan antik yang sudah usang hingga terlihat seperti vintage. Barli menutup acara dengan rancangan yang tak kalah menggoda.
Ia menampilkan dan mengolah batik pesisir Cirebon menjadi sesuatu yang menggelitik. Lengan puff, gelembung, hingga permainan aplikasi bebatuan membuat koleksinya tampil ringan dan segar. Nah kini Anda tak perlu lagi ragu tampil dengan busana berbahan kain tradisional. Pasalnya, rancangan tersebut kini sudah tampil trendi dan modis.
Tak hanya cocok untuk orang dewasa dan orangtua, tetapi juga bagi para kawula muda.LINK

Friday, August 8, 2008

Child health in India, China key to attaining world health goals

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Despite stunning economic growth in China and India, child mortality rates remain high amid widening health disparities in the world's two most populous countries, a UN report said Tuesday.
In 2006, India and China accounted fo r 2.5 million child deaths, nearly a third of the worldwide total, UNICEF said. India alone accounted for one fifth of all under-five deaths, with 2.1 million.Unless India improves its record on child survival, the world is unlikely to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to eradicate poverty, reduce child and maternal mortality, fight disease and achieve environmental sustainability by 2015, UNICEF said.The United Nations' Children Fund also said China needed to regain early progress it had made in bringing down child mortality.
"Global attainment of the health-related MDGs will depend, in no small part, on India's achievements in improving health, nutrition, water and sanitation, education and child protection, gender equality and women's empowerment in the coming years," said the report, entitled The State of the Asia Pacific's Children 2008.
Although India succeeded in reducing its under-five mortality rate by 60 per cent between 1970 and 2006, "the infant mortality rate is 50 per cent higher in rural areas than in urban locations," the report said.

In China, although child mortality rates fell sharply between 1970 and 1990, reductions had since slowed, the report said, and "inequities in access to quality health care and huge disparities in health outcomes remain prevalent and entrenched." link

Thursday, August 7, 2008

2 New Genes Tied to 3 Cancers

THURSDAY, Aug. 7 (HealthDay News) -- Two genes linked to breast, thyroid and kidney cancer have been identified by Cleveland Clinic researchers. The discovery of the genes SDHB and SDHD could help improve early detection of these cancers and boost patients' chances of survival.

In addition, the researchers said their finding could improve screening and treatment of patients with Cowden Syndrome (CS) and CS-like disease, which are difficult-to-recognize conditions that lead to a high risk of developing breast, thyroid and other cancers.

Normally, a gene called PTEN acts to suppress cancers. Mutations in PTEN determine susceptibility to CS, but some people with normal PTEN still develop CS, according to background information in a clinic news release.

The reseaqrchers identified SDHB and SDHD as markers of CS susceptibility in people with normal PTEN. In fact, mutations in these genes confer a higher risk of breast, thyroid and kidney cancers than PTEN mutations for individuals with dysfunctional PTEN, the researchers said.

"Clinicians should consider SDH testing for patients who have a strong personal history and/or family history of breast, thyroid and/or kidney cancers especially when their PTEN is normal. Patients with SDH mutations should be more rigorously screened for these cancers," lead researcher Dr. Chris Eng said in the news release.

Rigorous screening may reveal cancer at a earlier, more treatable stage. link

Indonesian nurses in Japan under free trade pact

TOKYO - Japan accepted more than 200 Indonesian nurses into the country on Thursday, an unprecedented move as Tokyo struggles to quell a labor shortage triggered by sinking fertility rates
The arrival of 205 Indonesians, an exception allowed under a bilateral economic agreement signed with Jakarta in April, signaled a loosening of immigration procedures in a country where many people equate foreigners with social disorder.
The Indonesians, all registered nurses in their homeland, will work as assistants while training for Japanese certification, roughly half of them as nurses and half of them as caregivers to work in nursing homes and other facilities.
"The program opens the door for them to stay here and work in those professions as long as they pass Japan's national test," said Haruhiro Jono, an official at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Japan has come under increasing pressure in recent years to accept more immigrant workers, particularly since the total population began to decline in 2005. Many worry there will not be enough workers to support the growing elderly population.
Thursday's arrivals marked the first time Japan had allowed foreigners to enter the country specifically to work in the nursing profession, though foreigners arriving on different visas — as spouses of Japanese, for instance — have gotten similar jobs.
The Indonesians arrived under an economic partnership accord, which took effect July 1, that will allow a total of 1,000 nurses into Japan over the next two years.
Developing countries in Asia are also urging Japan to open its doors to provide training and economic opportunities to their citizens. Japan is discussing similar programs with the Philippines and Thailand.
Those who arrived Thursday will start working at about 100 hospitals and nursing homes early next year after taking classes in Japanese language, culture and medical training, Foreign Ministry official Kazuya Kaneko said.
Three more Indonesian nurses who already speak Japanese are joining them at the end of August.
Japan has long been reluctant to host outsiders for fear of disrupting its tightly knit, orderly society. Despite increasing immigration, foreigners still make up less than 2 percent of the population, compared to 12 percent in the United States.
But demographics suggest the country has little choice but to open its doors a little wider.
Japan's population of 127 million is forecast to plunge to about 100 million by 2050, when more than a third of Japanese will be 65 or older and drawing health and pension benefits. Less than half of Japanese will be of working age of 15-64.
Fearing a drastic fall in consumption, production and tax revenues, Japanese bureaucrats are scrambling to boost fertility rates and get more women and elderly into the work force.
But many Japanese, including ruling party officials, have acknowledged that more foreigners must be allowed in, though many argue entry should be limited to educated workers, engineers, educators and health professionals with Japanese-language skills. link

Bulgarian archaeologists discover ancient chariot

SOFIA, Bulgaria - Archaeologists have unearthed a 1,900-year-old well-preserved chariot at an ancient Thracian tomb in southeastern Bulgaria, the head of the excavation said Thursday.
Daniela Agre said her team found the four-wheel chariot during excavations near the village of Borisovo, around 180 miles east of the capital, Sofia.
"This is the first time that we have found a completely preserved chariot in Bulgaria," said Agre, a senior archaeologist at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
She said previous excavations had only unearthed single parts of chariots — often because ancients sites had been looted.
At the funerary mound, the team also discovered table pottery, glass vessels and other gifts for the funeral of a wealthy Thracian aristocrat.
In a separate pit, they unearthed skeletons of two riding horses apparently sacrificed during the funeral of the nobleman, along with well preserved bronze and leather objects, some believed to horse harnesses.
The Culture Ministry confirmed the find and announced $3,900 in financial assistance for Agre's excavation.
Agre said an additional amount of $7,800 will be allocated by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for an initial restoration and conservation of the chariot and the other Thracian finds.
The Thracians were an ancient people that inhabited the lands of present day Bulgaria and parts of modern Greece, Turkey, Macedonia and Romania between 4,000 B.C. and the 6th century, when they were assimilated by the invading Slavs.
Some 10,000 Thracian mounds — some of them covering monumental stone tombs — are scattered across

A magic bullet to stop smoking!

A magic bullet to stop smoking!
Billionaires Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg last week announced a major financial commitment to lowering the rate of smoking around the world. No doubt the money will go to the traditional mechanisms for reducing smoking – anti-smoking media campaigns, education, and distribution of non-smoking initiatives.

I’ve got a better solution. Just increase the rate at which people attend church or other worship services.

A fascinating analysis of over 100,000 interviews Gallup has conducted since January shows that within this country, there is a strong and direct correlation between smoking and church attendance. The more often Americans attend church, the less likely they are to smoke. This is a robust relationship that holds up even when things like education, age, gender and religious type are controlled for. It just appears that something about being a frequent church attender significantly lowers the probability that one smokes.

This is in the U.S., to be sure. Gates and Bloomberg are trying to stop smoking in developing countries. But the principle may well be transferable.

Let's look at some numbers. Overall, 21% of Americans interviewed in our Gallup Daily tracking program this year say that they smoke. (By the way, that’s down from an all-time high of 45% back in 1954).

But the percentage of smokers is only 12% among those who attend church once a week. Smoking rises to 15% among those who attend almost every week. Then 22% for those who attend once a month, 26% for those who seldom attend church, and finally 31% among those who never attend church.

So knowledge of an Americans’ church attendance alone predicts smoking pretty well. This is a straight linear relationship the likes of which we don’t see all that often in survey data.

The relationship between smoking and church attendance seems to hold up within almost every subgroup of the population I can come up with. For example, there's education. Generally speaking the smoking rate goes down as education goes up. But there is a relationship between church attendance and smoking within every sample of Americans created by education.

Smoking overall is very low among Americans who have post graduate education. But within this highly educated group, 4% of those who attend church weekly smoke, compared to 10% of those who never attend church.

The relationship is stronger among those with high school educations or less. In this group, smoking goes from 17% for those who attend church weekly to an amazing 48% among those who never attend church. Yes, that’s right. No typo. Almost half of Americans who have high school educations or less and never attend church, are smokers.

In terms of gender, smoking goes from 10% among women who attend church weekly to 29% among women who never attend church, and from 14% among men who attend weekly to 33% among men who never attend.

Finally, age. This is very interesting. It has been well-established that the older one is, the less likely one is to smoke. This is attributable either to wisdom (the older one gets, the more one has learned about the negative effects of smoking) or to nature’s taking its grim toll among smokers as they get older, ruthlessly reducing the number of surviving smokers.

Smoking is, as an example, much lower among Americans who have survived to be 70 years of age and older. But even here church attendance matters. Only 5% of those 70 and up who attend church each week smoke. But triple that percentage, 15% of those who are 70 and older and who never attend church smoke.

Among the youngest group of Americans, 18 to 29, the smoking rate is 14% among those who attend church weekly but rises to a whopping 37% among those who never attend. This seems to be a critical finding. If we can get our young people into church, it seems, we may be able to prevent them taking up the nicotine habit.

The effect occurs within every major religious grouping. Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, other Christian religion, non-Christian religion, those with no religion. In every instance, those who attend church the most are the least likely to smoke.

(There aren’t a lot of Mormons who never attend church, but among that group, 34% smoke. Among the much larger group of Mormons who dutifully attend every week, the smoking rate is at a miniscule 2%.)

The exact mechanisms behind this relationship is unclear. To my knowledge there’s nothing specific in the Bible about smoking. However, many evangelical Protestant faiths have had as part of their normative structure a prohibition (or at least frowning upon) social sins such as smoking, drinking, gambling and dancing. This is obviously true of Mormons as well. So one plausible explanation is that highly religious Americans are more subject to religious training/dogma that discourages indulgences such as smoking.

But we also know that church attendance is correlated with higher self-reports of happiness, lower stress, lower anger, and lower sadness. And at the same time smokers are less happy, and more likely to report being angry, stressed and sad. So it’s possible that smokers engage in their habit as a surcease from their negative mental state and/or negative emotions. Church goers find their surcease from these negative emotions in their religion, and therefore may not need the palliative impact of nicotine as much.

Whatever the reasons, Bloomberg and Gates might well sit up and pay attention. One key to reducing the rate of smoking – at least using the American situation as the example -- may well be to get people more into religion. link by...

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Seorang anak lahir setelah 11 tahun pernikahan. Mereka adalah pasangan yg saling mencintai dan anak itu adalah buah hati mereka. Saat anak tersebut berumur dua tahun, suatu pagi si ayah melihat sebotol obat yg terbuka. Dia terlambat untuk ke kantor maka dia meminta istrinya untuk menutupnya dan menyimpannya di lemari.
Istrinya, karena kesibukannya di dapur sama sekali melupakan hal tersebut.

Anak itu melihat botol itu dan dengan riang memainkannya. Karena tertarik dengan warna obat tersebut lalu si anak memakannya semua. Obat tersebut adalah obat yg keras yg bahkan untuk orang dewasa pun hanya dalam dosis kecil saja.
Sang istri segera membawa si anak ke rumah sakit. Tapi si anak tidak tertolong.
Sang istri ngeri membayangkan bagaimana dia harus menghadapi suaminya.

Ketika si suami datang ke rumah sakit dan melihat anaknya yang telah meninggal, dia melihat kepada istrinya dan mengucapkan 3 kata.
1. Apa 3 kata itu ?
2. Apa makna cerita ini ?

Sang Suami hanya mengatakan "SAYA BERSAMAMU SAYANG"
Reaksi sang suami yang sangat tidak disangka-sangka adalah sikap yang proaktif. Si anak sudah meninggal, tidak bisa dihidupkan kembali. Tidak ada gunanya men-cari² kesalahan pada sang istri. lagipula seandainya dia menyempatkan untuk menutup dan menyimpan botol tersebut maka hal ini tdk akan terjadi.

Tidak ada yg perlu disalahkan. Si istri juga kehilangan anak semata wayangnya. Apa yg si istri perlu saat ini adalah penghiburan dari sang suami dan itulah yg diberikan suaminya sekarang. Jika semua orang dapat melihat hidup dengan cara pandang seperti ini maka akan terdapat jauh lebih sedikit permasalahan di dunia ini.
"Perjalanan ribuan mil dimulai dengan satu langkah kecil"

Cerita ini layak untuk dibaca. Kadang kita membuang waktu hanya untuk mencari kesalahan org lain atau siapa yg salah dalam sebuah hubungan atau dalam pekerjaan atau dengan org yg kita kenal. Hal ini akan membuat kita kehilangan kehangatan dalam hubungan antar manusia.

Buang rasa iri hati, cemburu, curiga, dendam, egois dan ketakutanmu. Kamu akan menemukan bahwa sesungguhnya banyak hal tidak sesulit yang kau bayangkan.
di ambil dari

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Penduduk Desa Geger Ada Bayi Babi Berwajah Monyet
- Penduduk sebuah dusun di China digegerkan dengan kelahiran seekor bayi yang memiliki wajah serupa monyet. Merekapun berbondong-bondong mendatangi rumah Feng Changlin, pemilik babi aneh itu, setelah kabar mengenai keanehan itu tersebar di Desa Fengzhang di wilayah Xiping.
"Itu sangat aneh. Tidak ada seorangpun ingin membelinya. Babi itu membuat keluarga kami takut, bahkan hanya melihatnya," ujar Feng kepada harian Oriental seperti dikutip dari Annanova, Sabtu (26/5/2008).
Wajah babi kecil itu memang begitu menyerupai seekor monyet. Bibirnya tipis, dan hidung kecil dan dua bola mata yang besar. Kaki belakangnya babi aneh itu lebih panjang dari dua kaki di bagian depan, sehingga saat digunakan lebih seperti meloncat dari pada berjalan.
Istri Feng mengatakan babi berwajah monyet itu adalah salah satu dari lima babi yang baru lahir di peternakan yang telah dibangunnya sejak lima tahun lalu.
"Tuhan ku! Itu sangat menakutkan. Saya tidak tahu mahluk apa itu, itu sangat menakutkan," tutur Feng.
Namun demikian Feng mengaku bingung untuk membuang bayi babi itu, karena anaknya senang bermain-main dengannya.
"Anak saya sangat suka bermain dengannya dan marah jika kami berusaha menjauhkan babi itu darinya. Binatang itu bahkan sering meminum susunya," keluh Feng.
Para tetangga menyarankannya untuk tetap memelihara anak babi itu agar dapat melihat bagaimana rupa wajah babi itu saat usianya dewasa sumber
Seekor Anjing Kecanduan Bermain Skateboard
CHINA - Seekor anjing peliharaan di China yang satu ini memiliki kegemaran yang cukup unik. Anjing yang bernama De Bao ini sangat keranjingan bermain skateboard. Bahkan untuk jalan ke luar rumah sekalipun.
Seperti dilansir, Kamis (31/7/2008), kebiasaan De Bao itu terlatih karena anjing jenis buldog ini sering melihat majikannya menggunakan papan luncur tersebut saat pergi ke luar rumah dan bermain bersama teman-temannya.
"Anak saya sangat menyukai sekali skateboard. Dan setelah dia pergi keluar bersama anjing itu untuk beberapa saat, maka anjing menjadi terobsesi dengan olahraga itu," kata Huang ayah dari pemilik De Bao.
Bahkan kini, De Bao dengan anak Mr Huang berebutan untuk bermain skateboard setiap harinya. Karena itu, supaya si anak tidak berkelahi dengan anjing, Mr Huang membuatkan papan luncur yang dimodifikasi untuk seekor anjing.
Sudah bisa ditebak, De Bao pun kian keranjingan dengan papan luncur barunya itu. Kini De Bao, sering menggunakan papan luncurnya di taman di daerah Guangzhou.
Ketika melihat De Bao bermain skateboard, banyak orang yang berdecak kagum. De Bao meluncur dengan cepat menggunakan kaki depannya atau kaki belakangnya. Bahkan dia juga bisa dengan baik mempraktekkan untuk mengubah arah jalan dan menghentikan papan luncurnya.
"Ketika dia sedang meluncur dengan cepat, dia meletakkan kakinya di atas papan, dan menikmati saat-saat papan meluncur sumber
Gigit Orang, Anjing Masuk Pengadilan
Ada-ada saja peristiwa yang satu ini di negara Hindia. Gara-gara sering menggigit orang, seekor anjing di India harus berurusan dengan pengadilan. Bahkan, anjing ini terancam hukuman maksimal, hukuman mati.
Seperti dikutip, Kamis (31/7/2008), petugas kepolisian di wilayah timur Biha menuntut seekor anjing yang sering membuat resah masyarakat karena sering menggigit.
Anjing bernama Chhotu ini sebelumnya pernah memiliki persoalan hukum. Pada 2003 lalu, seorang hakim di pengadilan memvonis Chhotu hukuman mati. Para tetangga sering komplain, karena anjing itu sering marah dan menggigit banyak orang.
Akan tetapi aktivis perlindungan hewan melakukan pembelaan. Sehingga Chhotu bisa bebas dari hukuman mati tersebut.
Pihak penuntut mengatakan Chhotu layak untuk diberi ganjaran setimpal atas apa yang sudah diperbuatnya. Karena, para korban gigitan Chhotu banyak yang mengalami luka cukup parah.
Namun, pihak pengacara Chhotu, membela diri dengan pembuktian anjing itu bisa dengan tenang di ruang pengadilan. "Meski banyak orang di ruang pengadilan, anjing ini tidak menggigit orang dan menggonggong kepada siapapun," bela Dilip Kumar Deepak, kuasa hukum Chhotu.
Hakim akhirnya memutuskan untuk melanjutkan persidangan pada 5 Agustus mendatang. Dalam sidang tersebut, Chhotu dan pemiliknya, seorang janda tanpa anak, Rajkumari Devi.
"Chhotu adalah pelindung pribadi saya, dan saya sudah menganggap dia seperti anak saya sendiri," kata Rajkumari seraya mengatakan anjingnya hanya menggigit orang yang masuk ke rumah tanpa permisi.
Rajkumari mengatakan kepada pengacaranya, tetangganya itu sebenarnya berusaha untuk mencuri barang berharga miliknya.
"Mereka ingin mencuri dukumen tanah saya dengan cara mendobrak masuk ke dalam rumah pada malam hari. Tapi, mereka akhirnya menyerah setelah Chhotu menggigitnya," jelas Dilip Kumar Deepak sumber
Jakarta akan Tenggelam 6 Desember 2025

Jakarta (SIB)
Akibat pembangunan kota yang tidak tertata rapi dan daerah resapan air digunakan untuk pembangunan akan menyebabkan ibukota Indonesia akan tenggelam pada 6 Desember 2025. Tenggelamnya Jakarta pada tanggal tersebut berdasarkan siklus astronomikal 18.6 tahun. Pada saat itu, tinggi permukaan laut akan naik drastis sehingga bisa menenggelamkan kota berpenduduk 12 juta jiwa tersebut.

Walau perubahan iklim dituding penyebab naiknya permukaan laut, namun hasil penelitian menunjukkan permasalahan utama tenggelamnya Jakarta adalah karena pembangunan yang tidak terkendali. “Alasan utamanya bukanlah perubahan iklim atau apa pun,” jelas Jan Jaap Brinkman, teknisi yang bekerja di badan konsultan Belanda, Delft Hydraulics seperti dilansir harian Singapura The Strait Times, Rabu (16/4).
Komite Perubahan Iklim, badan yang berhubungan dengan pemerintahan-Inter memperkirakan tinggi permukaan laut pada tahun 2025 akan naik 5 cm. Namun Brinkman mengatakan ketinggian Jakarta akan berada 40-60 cm lebih rendah dibandingkan ketinggian sekarang. Wilayah yang terkena dampak jika Jakarta tenggelam adalah daerah-daerah yang dekat dengan Laut Jawa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tanpa perlindungan yang lebih baik, permukaan laut akan mencapai wilayah pemukiman penduduk tahun 2025. Dan tinggi permukaan laut akan mencapai puncaknya pada 6 Desember 2005, peringati Brinkman. Namun sebelumnya akan terjadi lebih sering banjir.
Achmad Lanti, pejabat pengawas air di ibukota mengatakan sekitar 40 persen sungai dan danau di Jakarta tidak saling terhubung. Untuk memperbaiki layanan, pemerintah DKI Jakarta tahun 1997 telah memprivatisasi suplai air. Namun dua operator asing gagal memenuhi janjinya mensuplai air untuk 75 persen warga pada tahun lalu.
Lebih lanjut, ia mengatakan sekitar setengah air yang disalurkan pipa air hilang karena dicuri atau kebocoran. “Kadang-kadang mereka yang melakukan pencurian secara individual dan organisasi kejahatan yang saya sebut mafia air,” jelasnya.
Ahli infrastruktur untuk Bank Dunia di Indonesia, Hongjoo Hahm, mengatakan sistem drainase yang dibangun semasa pemerintahan Belanda sudah tidak bisa lagi mencegah terjadinya banjir. “Skala banjir dikatakan Belanda akan terjadi setiap 25 tahun sekali, namun kini setiap tahun banjir selalu melanda Jakarta,” jelasnya seperti dikutip The Strait Times.
Guncang California
Dalam berita yang tak kalah mengejutkan muncul dari AS. California, yang kini dipimpin aktor laga Arnold Schwarzenegger, akan menghadapi risiko diguncang gempa bumi hebat pada 2037, ungkap para ilmuwan seperti dilansir Associated Press, Rabu (16/4).
Hasil kalkulasi menunjukkan 99.7 persen California diguncang gempa berkekuatan 6.7 magnitudo atau lebih kuat dalam 30 tahun ke depan. Hasil penilaian itu lebih besar di Selatan California ketimbang di Utara California, 97 persen melawan 93 persen.
“Itu akan terjadi,” jelas Ned Field, ahli geologi di Survei Geologi AS di Pasadena dan memimpin laporan. Pada tahun 1994, gempa bumi Northridge di bawah Bukit San Fernando, Los Angeles, mengguncang kota terkenal itu. Gempa berkekuatan 6.7 magnitudo itu menewaskan 72 orang, melukai lebih dari 9.000 orang dan menyebabkan kerugian 25 miliar dolar AS.
Kerusakan akibat gempa tergantung di mana kejadian. Gempa berkekuatan 7.1 magnitudo menghantam Gurun Pasir Mojave tahun 1999 namun hanya menimbulkan korban kecil dan tidak ada yang tewas.
California merupakan salah satu wilayah seismik paling aktif di wilayah itu. Lebih dari 300 jalur persimpangan melintasi negara bagian itu, di mana terdapat dua lempengan tektonik besar yakni lempengan Pasifik dan Amerika Utara. Selatan California sendiri saja setiap tahun diguncang sekitar 10.000 gempa, walau kekuatannya hanya kecil.
Perkiraan terjadinya gempa kuat tahun 2037 berdasarkan penelitian Pusat Gempa Selatan Califronia, USGS dan Survei Geologi California yang mengkalkulasi kemungkinan gempa di keseluruhan California dengan menggunakan data baru yang tersedia.
Namun para ilmuwan belum bisa memprediksi di mana atau kapan gempa besar itu akan terjadi. Mereka hanya memperingatkan agar penduduk California diingatkan agar bersiap-siap menghadapi kejadian alam. sumber

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mengkudu pasti sudah tak asing lagi bagi anda buah dengan khas baunya, begitu mendengar mengkudu langsung terfikir tentang betapa tidak enaknya bau buah ini, buah ini memiliki banyak nama selain mengkudu,antara lain dengan nama Pace, Lengkudu, Noni, Bangkudu, Cangkudu, dan Magic Plant buah ini memiliki banyak khasiat antara lain radang tenggorokan & radang usus biasanya buah ini di konsumsi dengan cara di jus untuk diminum,hampir semua belahan dunia
menggunakan buah mengkudu ini untuk ramuan tradisonaluntuk mengobati berbagai penyakit buah mengkudu biasa untuk penyembuhan penyakit seperti diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi penyakit tulang, penyakit pencernaan,kram saat menstruasi, kondisi aging, dan masih banyak lagi manfaat dari buah mengkudu ini.
pasti anda pernah mendengar buah naga atau juga dalam istilah bahasa inggris nya dragon fruit
buah ini banyak di gemari karena di yakini dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit
kandungan serat pada buah naga berperan menurunkan kadar kolesterol,Caranya, serat akan mengikat asam empedu (produk akhir kolesterol) di saluran cerna kemudian dikeluarkan bersama tinja."Semakin tinggi konsumsi serat, semakin banyak asam empedu dan lemak yang dikeluarkan tubuh,
untuk anda yang mengalami diabetes dianjurkan mengkonsumsi buah ini secara rutin minimal 13 gram per hari sekaligus menjaga kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh.
Ada dua jenis buah naga. Ada yang berdaging putih dan merah. "Orang percaya buah naga merah lebih ampuh dibanding yang putih. Anggapan itu tidak terbukti karena kandungan gizinya relatif sama
apakah anda termasuk orang yang sering tidur larut malam ?

hati hati dengan kesehatan anda karena hati anda mungkin akan menjadi sasaran dari anda yang hoby sekali tidur larut malam,
waspadai kanker hati, karna seringkali banyak orang tidak menduga kalau ia mengidap kanker hati,Pada awalnya kanker hati memang tanpa suatu gejala apapun, dan seringkali orang menduga bahwa dirinya mengalami sakit maag.
Menurut dr Rudy, dalam fase lebih lanjut si penderita akan merasakan gejala ini, kita dapat melakukan screening ultrasonografi hati dan dan penanda tumor alfa-fetoprotein.
penyebab dari kanker hati adalah tidur yang terlalu malam hingga anda terbangun di siang hari ini membuat
proses pembuangan zat zat yang tidak berguna menjadi tidak beraturan atau kacau.
selain itu juga Selain itu, tidak buang air besar di pagi hari,pola makan yang terlalu berlebihan, tidak makan pagi, terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi obat-obatan, bahkan terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi bahan pengawet seperti zat tambahan, zat pewarna, pemanis buatan, juga dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya kerusakan hati.
Selama ini dalam pengobatan penyakit kanker hati hanya ada dua cara yang bisa dilakukan,
pertama dengan kemoterapi dan yang kedua dengan radioterapi. Selain itu, ada pulapengobatan yang dilakukan dengan operasi dan transplantasi hati. Namun sampai saat ini, transplantasi hati belum ada di Indonesia sehingga si pasien harus berobat ke luar negeri.
Pada stadium awal, kanker hati bisa diatasi dengan cara tindakan pembedahan untuk mengangkat sel kanker tersebut. Selain itu, si pasien menjalani kemoterapi.
Namun pada stadium lanjut, pasien tidak bisa menjalani terapi ini karena sel kanker sudah menyebar.

Mulai sekarang cobalah tidur dengan teratur agar pola hidup anda sehat dan terhindar dari berbagai penyakit.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Smoked reduced Intelligence Merokok Kurangi Kecerdasan
Para perokok, khususnya mereka yang masih dalam pertengahan usia dewasa, cenderung memiliki kelemahan dalam hal ingatan dan nalar berpikir (kecerdasan) dari pada mereka yang tidak merokok. Ini merupakan alasan lain mengapa kita tidak harus merokok.

Para peneliti Prancis menyebutkan, data yang dikumpulkan dari 5.000 warga Inggris, ditemukan bahwa mereka yang merokok lebih rendah tingkat ingatan, bernalar, kosakata, dan juga kecakapan verbalnya, daripada mereka yang tidak merokok.

Penelitian itu juga menemukan bahwa merokok sangat berhubungan dengan penurunan mental pada usia muda, seperti halnya juga mempengaruhi kerapuhan fisiknya di kemudian hari.

Penelitian yang dilaporkan pada Senin (9/6) kemarin menyimpulkan bahwa kebiasaan merokok yang dilakukan pada usia muda sangat berhubungan dengan penurunan tingkat memori dan kemampuan bernalar. read more

The pure water
formed the body that ideal Everyone definitely want the ideal body, including also you yourself. Not only the female dream that wanted the slender body often was male that also really want his body was slender in order to be released from obesity or obesity.
Many of the methods for you get the ideal body, with the inexpensive price, the Diet with the pure water was one of them, really made people reduced food like junk food in the body,
That because with two pure water glasses, made us full first, and made ate not too many, the Benefit of water, so big for the body. Apart from to maintain the freshness of the body, helped launched the digestion, cured various illness sorts and issued poison in the body. Moreover the pure water could also help reduced the weight. the pure water was the important element in the process of metabolism (the burning calorie) in the body by changing food into energy.
"Water also played a role in pushing the reaction" of "metabolism chemistry." So, if not drinking enough water, then could be ascertained the body will not burn calorie well, Apart From carrying out the water diet with used the pure water of two glasses before eating, better so that you who followed the diet as this consulted with the doctor or the nutritionist.
His article, the period that was needed by anyone to get maximal results of differing. It is hoped you continue to numbered united the pure water.


Definitely you have heard the term of the diabetes illness, the diabetes common also was named with sweet urine by being marked by the increase in the level of blood sugar, usually illnes this diabetes in headed with the sign
The sign of diabetes was
  • polyuria (urination that often)
  • polydipsia (the thirst was increased and liquid input as resulting from that was increased)
  • polyphagia (appetite that was increased) If the level of blood sugar until above 160-180 mg/dL, then glucose will arrive at water kemih,jika the level of him was again higher,the kidney will throw additional water away to dilute a large amount of glucose that was lost.
Because the kidney produced the urine in the excessive number, then the sufferer often urinated in the number that many (poliuri) . reaad more about diabetes

To unload the level of blood sugar had 8 crop sorts that could be found by you in and around you,
1. Gymnema Sylvestre

Fungsi main: unloaded blood sugar the dose of the public: 200 - 250milligram of day
The Hindi name these plants meant the 'destroyer' of 'sugar', and the crop this was said had the capacity to reduce the capacity to detect the sweet feeling. This crop it was considered as the crop was strongest to control blood sugar. The big possibility, his procedure was by increasing the activity of the enzyme that helped the body cell to use glucose or stimulatingly the production of insulin. Although not yet having the intensive research, but was not yet found by the existence of the serious side-effect for the use of this crop.

2. Pare
the main function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 50 - 100 millilitre (3-6 human resources) juice of day
Pare that was bitter this it was considered could help the cell to use glucose in an effective manner and stifled the absorption of sugar in the intestines. The researchers in the Philippines that researched consumption pare to the man and the woman in the form of the capsule while 3 months found the existence of the decline in blood sugar, although a little, but constant. The problem that emerged was the problem of the digestion.
3. magnesium

the main Function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 250 - 350 milligram of day
The lack of rare magnesium was not experienced as one of the causes of diabetes, even this sign aggravated the condition for blood sugar and insulin resistance. Several researches showed that the supplement to magnesium could improve the function of insulin and unloaded blood sugar. Please consultati with your doctor before consuming insulin.

4. Prickly Pear

Cactus Fungsi main: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: if being consumed as food, 150 gram bowl the cactus of day. Ripe from this cactus could unload the level of blood sugar in the body. The form that could be experienced was in the form of, or juice, or the powder. The researchers found that this unloaded the level of blood sugar because of the existence of the component that resembled insulin. This was also high the level of his fibre.

5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid

the main Function: Reduce was sick saraf the Dose of the public: 270 - 540 milligrams very much of day It was sour that Linoleat Gamma, or GLA was the fatty acid that was found in flower oil evening primrose. Several researches showed that the diabetes sufferer was the person who had the GLA level low in blood, and the research showed that this supplement could lower, in fact prevented was sick on nerves that emerged resulting from diabetes

6. ginseng

the main Function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 1-3 gram of day in the form of the capsule or the tablet, 3-5 millilitre in the form of tincture 3 x a day.
Known because of his capacity that pushed the system of body immunity, this ginseng had several positive results concerning diabetes. The researchers found that ginseng slowed down the absorption of the carbohydrate, increased the cell capacity in absorbing glucose, and increasing the release of insulin from the pancreas. Found also in Toronto in a research, that ginseng could unload the level of sugar until 15-20 percent.

7. Bilberry

the main Function: protected the eyes and syaraf the Dose of the public: 80-120 milligram the standard billberry extract of day. Relatives blueberry this had antioksidan strong in and his leaves. Antioksidan that was named antosianidin this, helped prevented small blood cells damage that could damage nerves and the eyes retina. The research into the animal showed the existence of the decline in blood sugar also resulting from consumption

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pretty and healthy skin
was the desired every time a woman , most important was us treated what was owned by us be as good usually the maintenance off that his name cosmetic ,so to beautify our body on the whole, beginning with hair, the eyes, the lip, skin down to the nail. The aim of these efforts to be the achievement of the form of the proportion of the colour and ideal refinement of body parts. To achieve this aim, then bermuncullah cosmetic products. If you that want to very instant usually used cosmetics racikan the factory. Nah, against this one, you must be careful. Because of using cosmetics that contained chemical preservatives could cause the problem, like the allergy or poisoning. If you wanted to search safe, better used natural cosmetics, lagian, more was guaranteed kehalal him because not was mixt with the animal material that from the pig or alcohol.
I am inhere tried giving examples of cosmetics that alamiyang his material was easy to be obtained by us from around us.

Masker the avocado really was suitable for consumption of normal and dry skin. The level of his fat that was high could moisten skin and protected skin from the influence of the sun rays.

Carrot famous just like vitamins A. Vitamin a was needed for the maintenance of the network epitel (the available network in the surface of skin). To these vegetables also was gotten karoten that had a function of maintaining skin humidity, slowing down the contraction emergence to the face and making the face of appearance always shining.

The usefulness of Mentimun was to refine and weaken skin, helped closed pores and dismissed the waste from skin. Therefore the pimple emergence could be prevented.

The usefulness returned the balance for oily skin, so as the face was always fresh and natural.

White the Egg
Beneficial narrowed the available hole of pores on face skin.

to read more klik here
I hope tips that can given by me this could be useful for you all.
Possibly we were still remembering adolescence previously when the pimple began to be springing on the face, the person every that part of the puberty period. But now during the age already some twenty, the pimple is still emerging. If only one two, possibly we were still calm, but if the pimple emerged continually, measuring big and was accompanied by the feeling of being sick and itchy, not only energy that was drained but also the feeling of the self-confidence could be lost. It is hoped the explanation along with this could help you more understood the pimple and his prevention method.

The cause acne the pimple could emerge resulting from natural oil that was produced skin closed pores. This oil was acknowledged as sebum that was produced by the gland sebaceous. In fact sebum was needed by skin to maintain humidity and the pliancy. The gland sebaceous usually was gotten in the layer of skin, the neck and the chest of the face part; was the area that often was overgrown by the pimple. The problem with the pimple emerged when the bacteria on skin was trapped in the pocket of oil and continued pile. The production of excessive sebum also triggered the growth of the pimple. The gland sebaceous that was too active produces oil usually happened in the puberty period, but could also because of the change in the hormone.

Generally the cause epistaksis was biselected that is:
1. Lokal
2. Sistemik
The local cause especially the trauma, often because of the traffic accident, sport, (like because of the blow in the nose) that was accompanied by the nose fracture (like to the picture in this page) , the too hard nose so as the wound to the nose mucosa, the existence of the tumour on the nose, there was the foreign object (something that entered the nose) usually to children, or the leech who entered the nose, and the infection or the inflammation of the nose and the sinuses (rhinitis and sinusitis) The systemic cause meaning that the illness that only was not limited to the nose, that often caused the nosebleed was hypertension, the systemic infection like the illness of dengue fever dengue fever or cikunguya, the blood deviation like hemofili, autoimun trombositipenic purpura.

The maintenance

The blood circulation will stop after blood succeeded being frozen in the process of blood clotting. A medical opinion said that when the bleeding happened, better if the position of the head was tilted in the future (the position sat) to channel blood and prevented him entering to kerongkongan and the side. First help if the nosebleed happening was by pressing the front nose for three minutes. During pemencetan better breathe through the mouth. The minor bleeding usually stops by this means. Do the same thing if the occurring bleeding happening, if not stopping better visit the doctor for help. For the chronic nose bleeding that was caused dry him the nose mucosa, usually is prevented with sprayed copied to the nose through to three times a day. If being caused by the pressure, could be used the ice compress to mengecilkan blood vessels (vasokonstriksi). If still was not successful, could be used the nose tampon. The nose tampon could stop the bleeding and this media was installed 1-3 days. The death resulting from the nose bleeding was something that was rare. However, if being caused by damage to the artery maksillaris

The chickenpox

Small pox possibly for you hard water was not foreign again,the first him patient felt his body did not make sense was accompanied by the fever, resembled influenza. In this stage, this illness could be spread by the sufferer when he sneezed or the cough. Not long afterwards emerged The spot contained water of the corn seed contained the liquid was begun from the front, continued to arms and the leg and finally all through the body. This liquid afterwards became pus, because of being infected by other germs. When the patient recovering, then spot contained water this dried up, left scabs and chips of skin were full of the smallpox virus, that when being inhaled by the other person, was the other method in the spread of small pox. According to literature, the death rate resulting from the smallpox around 20-30%. To that had never seen the smallpox sufferer, this the picture of the face and his hands. Must be that shouted level - level anyone must experience this illness, there were those who are affected when he was still small there also are those that has been mature just was affected by this illness, it was hoped the spot contained water contained not in broke personall.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Root humankind

A man who was named Dede the Indonesian resident contracted the skin illness that resembled the root in the part body his article this illness like the wart that resembled the root, increasingly crept this root increasingly caused difficulties for him to carry out many activities. The news of Dede's situation stirred up the world, a American expert of the skin illness, Dr Anthony Gaspari from the Maryland University was prepared to visit the man who lived in this South Jakarta area. According to Dr. gaspari, the illness that was contracted by Dede was caused by a virus that is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) ,Dr Anthony Gaspari intended to carry out the maintenance that possibly can change his life. It is hoped he fast experienced the change from his situation at this time. Read Continue ....


Varises was marked by the widening of blood vessels returned (vena) that often appeared winding and as being plaited in the subcutaneous network. Varises could happen in vena-vena in the area of the side, the leg and in several other body organs. The article this time will discuss about varises in vena the further low leg will be written varises, the problem and his handling.

Medically, varises it was considered was not too important and rare needed the handling. This was caused because varises happened in almost a third of the adult and just a few that caused the serious problem. But, in a manner these situation cosmetics were annoying enough and could reduce the feeling of the self-confidence. Moreover several surveys proved that beauty foot was some that became attention of the opponent of the kind. The incident varises tended to increase seriring the age and at the time of pregnancy. Several sources named the possibility of the existence of the role of the descendants’s factor or the family.

To most people also often was found telangiectasis, that is vena small was blue darkness like vena that broke out or the small profit. This situation not be the same as varises despite often happened along with varises. This only Restless in a manner cosmetics and did not result in the disturbance medically.

In the more difficult situation, varises could be marked by the swelling the low leg. The inflammation vena (phlebitis) that passed knees could cause the obstruction vena that his location inside (deep vein thrombosis) and could cause the serious complication. To treat the inflammation was not recommended to use antibiotik, because of his cause not the germs infection. Medical treatment is usually limited in the use anti the inflammation and the feeling remover of pain. In the difficult case the sign could be accompanied by the bleeding, the change in skin and ulkus or the wound resulting from the pressure vena that was high. His medical treatment could take the form of the operation conventionally, used the laser and sclerotherapy. The last method usually more effective to varises that was smaller. Sclerotherapy is usually done through the injecting sclerosant to the area vena to reduce varises was accompanied with the emphasis, dressing or the use of tight clothes. Several researches showed kekambuhan varises that often happened after five medical treatment years with this method.

Knew your work kind, involved the activity by standing that for a long time has been the quite effective prevention. Tips the health generally that could becare the occurrence varises and grew heavy him varises available was by maintaining the ideal weight, sport that was arranged, avoided constipation (make accustomed defecated each morning and was arranged consumed vegetables and the fruit), and dodge used shoes with the high right. The prevention varises in foot To prevent the occurrence varises, did matters as follows:

1. After going far, the rest, lay down with the position Lay and foot placed rather high from the body.

2. In first pregnancy, if you experienced kram to the calf, don’t foot was pulled at by you, because of resulting in the vein weakening, and the big possibility in your second pregnancy will experience varises. Moved and massaged the part that kram slowly until again normal. God willing you will be avoided from varises that not delicious was gazed at.