Definitely you have heard the term of the diabetes illness, the diabetes common also was named with sweet urine by being marked by the increase in the level of blood sugar, usually illnes this diabetes in headed with the sign
The sign of diabetes was
- polyuria (urination that often)
- polydipsia (the thirst was increased and liquid input as resulting from that was increased)
- polyphagia (appetite that was increased) If the level of blood sugar until above 160-180 mg/dL, then glucose will arrive at water kemih,jika the level of him was again higher,the kidney will throw additional water away to dilute a large amount of glucose that was lost.
To unload the level of blood sugar had 8 crop sorts that could be found by you in and around you,
1. Gymnema Sylvestre
Fungsi main: unloaded blood sugar the dose of the public: 200 - 250milligram of day
The Hindi name these plants meant the 'destroyer' of 'sugar', and the crop this was said had the capacity to reduce the capacity to detect the sweet feeling. This crop it was considered as the crop was strongest to control blood sugar. The big possibility, his procedure was by increasing the activity of the enzyme that helped the body cell to use glucose or stimulatingly the production of insulin. Although not yet having the intensive research, but was not yet found by the existence of the serious side-effect for the use of this crop.
2. Pare
Pare that was bitter this it was considered could help the cell to use glucose in an effective manner and stifled the absorption of sugar in the intestines. The researchers in the Philippines that researched consumption pare to the man and the woman in the form of the capsule while 3 months found the existence of the decline in blood sugar, although a little, but constant. The problem that emerged was the problem of the digestion.
3. magnesium
the main Function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 250 - 350 milligram of day
The lack of rare magnesium was not experienced as one of the causes of diabetes, even this sign aggravated the condition for blood sugar and insulin resistance. Several researches showed that the supplement to magnesium could improve the function of insulin and unloaded blood sugar. Please consultati with your doctor before consuming insulin.
4. Prickly Pear
Cactus Fungsi main: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: if being consumed as food, 150 gram bowl the cactus of day. Ripe from this cactus could unload the level of blood sugar in the body. The form that could be experienced was in the form of, or juice, or the powder. The researchers found that this unloaded the level of blood sugar because of the existence of the component that resembled insulin. This was also high the level of his fibre.
5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid
the main Function: Reduce was sick saraf the Dose of the public: 270 - 540 milligrams very much of day It was sour that Linoleat Gamma, or GLA was the fatty acid that was found in flower oil evening primrose. Several researches showed that the diabetes sufferer was the person who had the GLA level low in blood, and the research showed that this supplement could lower, in fact prevented was sick on nerves that emerged resulting from diabetes
6. ginseng
the main Function: unloaded blood sugar the Dose of the public: 1-3 gram of day in the form of the capsule or the tablet, 3-5 millilitre in the form of tincture 3 x a day.
Known because of his capacity that pushed the system of body immunity, this ginseng had several positive results concerning diabetes. The researchers found that ginseng slowed down the absorption of the carbohydrate, increased the cell capacity in absorbing glucose, and increasing the release of insulin from the pancreas. Found also in Toronto in a research, that ginseng could unload the level of sugar until 15-20 percent.
7. Bilberry
the main Function: protected the eyes and syaraf the Dose of the public: 80-120 milligram the standard billberry extract of day. Relatives blueberry this had antioksidan strong in and his leaves. Antioksidan that was named antosianidin this, helped prevented small blood cells damage that could damage nerves and the eyes retina. The research into the animal showed the existence of the decline in blood sugar also resulting from consumption
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