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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Varises was marked by the widening of blood vessels returned (vena) that often appeared winding and as being plaited in the subcutaneous network. Varises could happen in vena-vena in the area of the side, the leg and in several other body organs. The article this time will discuss about varises in vena the further low leg will be written varises, the problem and his handling.

Medically, varises it was considered was not too important and rare needed the handling. This was caused because varises happened in almost a third of the adult and just a few that caused the serious problem. But, in a manner these situation cosmetics were annoying enough and could reduce the feeling of the self-confidence. Moreover several surveys proved that beauty foot was some that became attention of the opponent of the kind. The incident varises tended to increase seriring the age and at the time of pregnancy. Several sources named the possibility of the existence of the role of the descendants’s factor or the family.

To most people also often was found telangiectasis, that is vena small was blue darkness like vena that broke out or the small profit. This situation not be the same as varises despite often happened along with varises. This only Restless in a manner cosmetics and did not result in the disturbance medically.

In the more difficult situation, varises could be marked by the swelling the low leg. The inflammation vena (phlebitis) that passed knees could cause the obstruction vena that his location inside (deep vein thrombosis) and could cause the serious complication. To treat the inflammation was not recommended to use antibiotik, because of his cause not the germs infection. Medical treatment is usually limited in the use anti the inflammation and the feeling remover of pain. In the difficult case the sign could be accompanied by the bleeding, the change in skin and ulkus or the wound resulting from the pressure vena that was high. His medical treatment could take the form of the operation conventionally, used the laser and sclerotherapy. The last method usually more effective to varises that was smaller. Sclerotherapy is usually done through the injecting sclerosant to the area vena to reduce varises was accompanied with the emphasis, dressing or the use of tight clothes. Several researches showed kekambuhan varises that often happened after five medical treatment years with this method.

Knew your work kind, involved the activity by standing that for a long time has been the quite effective prevention. Tips the health generally that could becare the occurrence varises and grew heavy him varises available was by maintaining the ideal weight, sport that was arranged, avoided constipation (make accustomed defecated each morning and was arranged consumed vegetables and the fruit), and dodge used shoes with the high right. The prevention varises in foot To prevent the occurrence varises, did matters as follows:

1. After going far, the rest, lay down with the position Lay and foot placed rather high from the body.

2. In first pregnancy, if you experienced kram to the calf, don’t foot was pulled at by you, because of resulting in the vein weakening, and the big possibility in your second pregnancy will experience varises. Moved and massaged the part that kram slowly until again normal. God willing you will be avoided from varises that not delicious was gazed at.

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